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Great places to visit in the New Forest


Lyndhurst is the largest village in the New Forest and offers a wide range of tea rooms, pubs, restaurants and independent shops.

The New Forest Visitor Centre is home to the New Forest Museum, Gift Shop, Reference Library and Visitor Information Centre. The museum gives a unique insight into the Forest’s history and heritage.



Rhinefield – Ornamental Drive

Ornamental Drive and Arboretum are home to a wonderful collection of exotic trees, many of which were planted in the late 1850s. Mature specimens line the road, whilst a way-marked trail has been created to take visitors on foot past many other notable specimens.

The Tall Trees Trail, a clearly marked circular 2.5 kilometres (1½ miles) walk, starts close to the Blackwater car park – go under the wooden arch on the edge of the car park, cross the road, continue for a short distance along the gravel track leading to the Arboretum, and turn right by the handrails.

During the summer months you can also get a fantastic Ice Cream from the van that normally resides in the car park.




Burley is a truely traditional New Forest village, nestling in the lee of a hill surrounded by an area of true outstanding natural beauty. A dramatic contrast of colourful heathlands, mighty oaks, beeches and lofty pines.

Burley still practices the old tradition of commoning, where animals are allowed to graze on the open forest, one of the few remaining. Ponies and Cattle roam free around the village outside the various coffee shops and numerous gift shops.

Burley’s unique character of Witches, smuggling and dragons is evident in the gift shops and The Queen’s Head pub, built in the 16th century, was notorious for smugglers and highwaymen. A hidden cellar was discovered beneath the floor of the “Stable bar”, full of pistols, bottles and coins believed to be one of the hiding places of smugglers.



Beaulieu Motor Museum

The Beaulieu Motor Museum houses a collection of over 250 automobiles and motorcycles telling the story of motoring on the roads of Britain from the dawn of motoring to the present day. The award winning National Motor Museum appeals to all age groups showing vehicles from World Land Speed Record Breakers including, Campbell’s famous Bluebird, to film favourites such as the magical flying car, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

There are always other extra features to make this a very packed, fun filed day for all the family.

Visit the Motor meseum Web Site




The town is world renown as a sailing resort; there are two large marinas Berthon and Haven and two sailing clubs RLYC and Lymington Town. Close by the sailing clubs is an open-air seawater bath that was built in 1833.

Lymington is renown as a sailing resort with two large marinas and two salining clubs. There are a number of interesting independent shops including some designer boutiques. On Saturday a market is held in the High Street, the origins of which probably date back to the 13th century. At the bottom of the High Street a cobblestone road leads down to the Old Town Quay, still used as a base by commercial fishing boats.




Fordingbridge is is a small country town on the banks of the River Avon, on the western edge of the New Forest. The town is a wonderful place for visitors with its beautiful scenery, nature havens, cycleways and welcoming people.

Once an industrial town and commercial centre, Fordingbridge boasted many trades such as brickmaking, pottery and textiles. It was also known for smuggling, infact the infamous Captain Diamond, the `Smuggler King’ spent much of his time here.

Fordingbridge offers a good selection of local shops as well as an attractive children’s playground and park alongside the river.